Communication prowess

Communication is the art of transferring information from one place, person or group to another which involves at least one sender, a message and a recipient. Communication skills can be categorized into reading, writing, speaking and listening. When communicating with someone we try to convey our thoughts, feelings, imaginations and so on. This is why a healthy communication skill is very much essential. A healthy communication skill includes both verbal and nonverbal skills. A thoughtful conversation is extremely helpful in solving issues and resolving problems. It is impossible to mingle with others without communicating with them. OYLA digs deeper into the modes of communication skills and how a healthy communication can even change individual’s thoughts, ideas and perspectives about the known facts. More

Halloween gaieties

Halloween is celebrated on the night of 31st October, the eve of All Saints’ Day. It is thought to be associated with the Celtic festival Samhain, when the ghosts and spirits were believed to be aboard. People light bonfires and dress up in different desired creepy costumes, face makeup or masks and embellish their houses with spooky decorations to ward off ghosts. Pumpkin has a specific role to play in Halloween; it has become a symbol of Halloween all over the world. Pumpkins represent harvest and crops which symbolizes rebirth and fertility, and October being the season of pumpkins led to the choice and wide usage of the fruit. Unites States, Ireland, Mexico and Portugal are few among the countries that celebrate Halloween. Find out more about the various opinions of different countries about Halloween through OYLA and get to know the difference in culture and creed around the globe. More

The perils of cyber bullying

Cyber bullying or cyber harassment is a form of bullying using electronic means. The need to disseminate on the consequences of cyber bullying among children is a must. The increase in technology has drawn a fixation within the younger generation to squander away most of their time in gadgets like mobile or laptop or computers. With such devices children get access to online and browse their desired topics. Some of these youngsters use internet or these technologies to threaten, harass, embarrass or target other youngsters, the widely affected are the teens. The effects of cyber bullying are poor performance at school, insomnia, chronic fatigue and also it can lead to a life time low self-esteem. OYLA discusses about the precautions to be taken on being aware and safe from the wide spreading obsessive craze of cyber harassment. More

Fanatical frenzy Hackers

Hacking is the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer. There are different types of hackers the red hat hackers also known as eagle eye hackers. White hat hackers’ also known as ethical hackers, like the white hat hackers the red hat hackers also aim to stop the malicious black hat hackers. Grey hat hackers are a blend of both black and white hat hackers who look for vulnerabilities in a system without the owner’s permission or knowledge. Black hat hackers are the most dangerous hackers, also known as crackers. The black hat hackers are criminals who break into computer networks with malevolent intentions. They release malware that destroys files, holds computer hostage or steals passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information. Some of the measures to prevent hacking are creating complex password, using a unique password for every account, using a password manager, password should never be shared with anyone, changing password often, using two-factor authentication, avoiding correct answers for security questions, logging out without fail when finished. Learn more about hacking and about the ways to be secure from these hackers with the guidance of OYLA. More

Orderly sleep maintenance to avoid Insomnia

Sleep is very important for a person’s physical health. Sleep is an anabolic or building process which helps in restoring the body supplies that have been depleted through the day’s activities. The repair works of the body like rebuilding and restoring muscle tissues are also done during sleep. A child requires 9-12 hours of sleep and an adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per day, only then the body and mind is recharged and refreshed for a healthy active day. Sleep is caused by melatonin chemical, a hormone that makes us feel drowsy.  The amount of melatonin in the body starts increasing in the evening and peaks in the middle of the night as a reminder that it is time to sleep. Insomnia or disorderly sleep is caused due to poor sleeping habits, depression, anxiety and lack of exercise, chronic illness or certain medication. Some of the remedies that can help avoid insomnia are a routine sleep, exercise, a proper healthy choice of food; switching off electrical devices and so on. Learn more information about the benefits of a sound sleep from OYLA and practice a good planned routine sleeping habit for a healthy wellness. More