OYLA does not sell print versions anymore, OYLA is available only in Digital formats


What is the meaning of ‘OYLA’?
‘OYLA’ in Kazakh means ‘Think’.
What does ‘OYLA’ focus on?
The focus and content of the magazine are based on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concepts.
What is the age group that ‘OYLA’ target?
OYLA is the monthly scientific magazine designed for children aged (10+), as well as their parents.
What is the periodicity of ‘OYLA’?
‘OYLA’ is a monthly magazine with 12 issues in one year.
How do I subscribe ‘OYLA’?
  • On our website in the “Shop” page click buy now and subscribe.
  • In the Home page click ‘Subscribe to OYLA’ and subscribe.
  • Take DD in favour of i-manager Magazines payable at Nagercoil.

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