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Fanatical frenzy Hackers

Fanatical frenzy Hackers

Hacking is the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer. There are different types of hackers the red hat hackers also known as eagle eye hackers. White hat hackers’ also known as ethical hackers, like the white hat hackers the red hat hackers also aim to stop the malicious black hat hackers. Grey hat hackers are a blend of both black and white hat hackers who look for vulnerabilities in a system without the owner’s permission or knowledge. Black hat hackers are the most dangerous hackers, also known as crackers. The black hat hackers are criminals who break into computer networks with malevolent intentions. They release malware that destroys files, holds computer hostage or steals passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information. Some of the measures to prevent hacking are creating complex password, using a unique password for every account, using a password manager, password should never be shared with anyone, changing password often, using two-factor authentication, avoiding correct answers for security questions, logging out without fail when finished. Learn more about hacking and about the ways to be secure from these hackers with the guidance of OYLA.


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